The 144 000 witnesses, all Jews, receives now the seal of God upon their foreheads and the mission, given first to the Disciples by Jesus, are to preach the Gospel throughout the whole earth, and they do miracles and nobody can stop them. The 144 000 are selected and sent out two by two, both man and women, and after they have done their work, they will have a special place in haven and sing a beautiful song nobody else can sing. There is no set date when they start and end their work, but if 144x7=1008 days that sum is close to what all other days are in Gods plans. Rev 7:2-13 Mark 16:15, Dan 9:24-26
Week 169 Day 1183
Antichrist statue is placed in the temple and it will stand there in 1290days, until 2475th day. But many Jews accepting that antichrist is the coming messiah and even today they are taking side with those who are working against the promises given to the Jews. That is why many of the Jews, 2/3 of them, will perish in the last war of Jerusalem. Dan 12:11-12
But all of those who believe in true Messiah and do not take mark 666 upon the head, and live to 1335th Day, they will pass over into the thousand years of peace. But others will bemartyrs and heads will roll, but they will wake up and liv again in next millennium.
Week 175 Day 1211
The mark of 666. All who enter the temple must worship the statue and take the mark upon them, if they want to live, … and to buy and sell. Rev. 13:8 To survive you must take to the hills or hide in the wilderness, and survive by trading gods. Just as it was in World War Two there will be people who are obstinate, bowing to nobody, but feel that they should also give believers help to hide. And among all these people will we find those that can survive the whole seven years of tribulation.
Two witnesses (Elijah and Enoch) comes forward and preaches in Jerusalem for 1260days. They accuse and remind the people of their sin, and no one can stop them from preaching. And all the world hates these two prophets, because they tell them the truth, and the truth is not what the world wants to hear. Rev 11:1-14
The doomsdays plague can begin, after that the 144 000 disciples have been sent out, but the first 3 ½ years of tribulation are to be almost peaceful, and antichrist will leave the Jews alone, as long as they do not question his rulings.
Day 1260 Week 180 – 335 Day 1260 – 2345
Seven seals, seven trumpets, seven vails of wrath begins, and of this will I explain later.
At about this time will the 144 000 disciples be lifted up to haven as their mission to preaching the Gospel to all the people on earth is now finished. Rev 7:2-13
Week 310 ? day 2170 ?
The two witnesses (Elijah and Enoch) are suddenly killed and the whole world is happy and people celebrate their death with party, favors and gifts, but ...
… the two prophets are then resurrected after 3 ½ days, to the people's great horror and, before all eyes, they are lifted up into the haven by the Lord. Rev. 11:1-14
And when seeing all thisthe Jews do realize that Jesus is the Messiah. The Jews, seeking the Lord and they are all baptized, because they begin to pray to Jesus. And the Jews purifies the temple by throwing out all the pagan idol and stopped the daily sacrifice.
Zech 12:10 2 Chronicles 7:14 Dan 8:13-14
Week 355 Day 2471 - day 2475 The last 7 weeks of the Tribulation begins now.
Satan will now take His revenge and he mobilizes all the armies of the world to attack the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem. Some Jews are being carried away in captivity and towards the end of the 45 days, two-thirds of all Jews have been killed, all those that believed in Satan and can or will not want to see that Jesus as the true Messiah. In the beginning of this war Satan is winning and the Jews are taken captures and shipped to Turkey, but in the last days the Lord calls them all back to Jerusalem because He is now going to punish the world. And during all this time the Antichrist do not control the whole world, for there are out there 8 lords and 7 leaders that opposes Satan. That means hidden places that Satan cannot reach the believers and put his mark on them.
Day 2476-2518
The Israelites are now being crammed into Jerusalem, 1/3 of the Jews are all there and the only way out is through the Golden Gate, which is closed. Israel now cry out withone voice, all believing, and then the Lord will now hear their prayer.
The King and Lord Messiah comes down, with the whole heavenly host, and He stands on the Mount of Olives. And Jesus proclaims, "This is my people." And all of Israel answer: "The Lord is my God." Mount of Olives, the rock splits and a path is broken up and the Golden Gate opens to up for the people of God, and they will find a home in that rock.
Zech 13:8-9 Zech 14:1-17
Week 359 Day 2519
Satan is now defeated and thrown in jail for 1000 years, minus one. And by this time half of the worlds population will be dead, but that means also that half of the world population will go on living to rebuild the earth, and the Lord will rule from Jerusalem.
The Millennium now begins and a new temple will be rebuilt and Messiahs throne is placed in the restored city of Jerusalem, but this is not the New Jerusalem that is coming down from haven, because that city has no temple and no sun.
And an alliance of three, Israel, Egypt and Syria, is made and the Lord will sit on his throne and the world will come to honor him and hear his council. And the leader of any country that will not come before the Lord, his land will have no rain. People will have their own will, and they will also stand to answer to their own deeds.
Day 2520 Day 1 – day 365240 The Millennium
Satan is let loose for a short time, maybe for one year to deceive and tempt all mankind. There are many people om earth that are not happy with Jesus sitting on the throne and Satan calls for them for a final countdown, a second battle of Armageddon. And after this war that Satan loses, comes the Last Judgment. After the verdict will everything old and belonging to this earth be destroyed and we will see a new heaven, a new earth and a new Jerusalem is waiting out there for us. Rev 21:1-2 For not even the Lord wants to be reminded of this old sinful earth.
This old earth will be destroyed, collapse into the sun, the lake of eternal fire, and our new home, the new Jerusalem is today out there somewhere, in a big cub, and one side of the that city is 220 euro miles long, that makes it a city large enough to cover most of Europe.
And since the new earth needs no sun, because God himself will be the sun, our light, that means the new planet do not need to stay close to a star, that it can wander of along the Milky Way, across the galaxy, to …? But before then there will be a great party that last for years, because we all want to meet and say hallo to Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, John and Daniel, all of the prophet, and ask them all about the Seventy Weeks Years mystery.
After have I compare the coming punishment in the Tribulation, I come to the conclusion that they are the same, but presented in different ways.Why? Because when it talks about 1/3 and the water turns red, and the fiches will die, and similar happens again, then no living things will survive. So I believe that the seals are like an overall preview of what is going to happen, what the stat the world will be in. The trumpet signals to us that the time is coming and the vails is the time the punishment poured out over the world. In the 6 seal, trumpet and vail it talks about the same thing, the river Euphrates waters dries up and letting the king of the East come and the 200 million soldiers are marching, first against Satan, but evil daemons make them to changes their minds. The river cannot dry up two times, so …?
7 Seal = The four horsemen removes peace on earth, the sun turns black, earthquakes and storms.
7 trumpets and three "woes" cry = All of nature will suffer, Wormwood and four penalty angels are turned loose, and one-third of the world's population dies. At the end of the tribulation half of the world population have died, and among these we will find all those who took the mark upon them.
7 vials of wrath = All those bearing the mark 666 suffer from boils, seas turning to blood, the sun's heat dries the earth, and unclean spirits ravage the Earth. (Perhaps at this time the angry bowl is now empties and causes the river Euphrates dries out to open the way for the kings of the east.) An earthquake destroys 10% of Jerusalem and 7 000 die. The seventh trumpet is blown, and the third "woe" of rage remaining.
Two vials of the wrath remain with large earthquakes, Babylon is destroyed, cities will collapse and the map of the whole earth is forever changed.
These are my conclusion up to now, and there will be changes made as we come closer to the end of time, but until that day, this will have to make do. Daniel Hill